Shoulder (Stick)


Target: Left Arm, Shoulder, Chest
Position: Seated or Standing
Count 1 rep after assisting arm overhead behind body with stick

  1. Sit or stand in upright posture with left arm straight

  2. Place top of stick in left hand with palm down

  3. Grab bottom end of stick with right hand

  4. Use right hand to assist left shoulder in bringing left arm overhead and back behind body at 45° angle to shoulder

  5. Keep left arm straight through stretch and inhale at end range of motion

  6. Progression: Use right arm to assist in getting left arm farther back behind body to increase stretch in left shoulder


Target: Right Arm, Shoulder, Chest
Position: Seated or Standing
Count 1 rep after assisting arm overhead behind body with stick

  1. Sit or stand in upright posture with right arm straight

  2. Place top of stick in right hand with palm down

  3. Grab bottom end of stick with left hand

  4. Use left hand to assist right shoulder in bringing right arm overhead and back behind body at 45° angle to shoulder

  5. Keep right arm straight through stretch and inhale at end range of motion

  6. Progression: Use left arm to assist in getting right arm farther back behind body to increase stretch in right shoulder



Shoulder Bent Elbow


Kneeling Chest