Target: Left Leg, Hip, Knee, Thigh, Hamstring
Position: Standing
Count 1 rep after bringing foot up and back to glute

  1. Stand in an upright posture with feet hip-width apart

  2. Place hands on hips or extend arms out front

  3. Slightly bend right knee while shifting weight to the right leg

  4. Contract left glute to extend left leg in front of body and pull toes toward the shin

  5. Lower the left leg toward the ground

  6. Bend left knee and bring left foot to glute

  7. Flex left hamstring to bring left foot closer to left glute

  8. Progression: Increase height of the kick out front in left leg

Target: Right Leg, Hip, Knee, Thigh, Hamstring
Position: Standing
Count 1 rep after bringing foot up and back to glute

  1. Stand in an upright posture with feet hip-width apart

  2. Place hands on hips or extend arms out front

  3. Slightly bend left knee while shifting weight to the left leg

  4. Contract right glute to extend right leg in front of body and pull toes toward the shin

  5. Lower the right leg toward the ground

  6. Bend right knee and bring right foot to glute

  7. Flex right hamstring to bring right foot closer to right glute

  8. Progression: Increase height of the kick out front in right leg



Leg Whips Across Body


Lateral Lunge